What can you expect to get from this Six Week Body Plan?
Get fast and sustainable results with this game changing, equipment free plan!
Build lean muscle and drop body fat to get results you never believed possible! Whatever your age, fitness level or size, this plan delivers, as hundreds of others have now discovered!
Follow on line and live workouts that you can do from home at a time that suits you, supported by meal plans and simple, but delicious recipes. No thinking, no second guessing what and how to get the body of your dreams, just follow this plan and get jaw-dropping results!
Click below to get started on your own exciting journey of self-discovery and reveal the best version of YOU!

• You will receive two workout videos each week showing you the 30 minute fun but challenging exercise plans that need to be completed 6 times a week.
• No gym membership is required or any gym equipment. The aim is to burn body fat and build lean muscle.
• New to exercise? Then this is for you. Bit of a gym bunny or into a certain sport? Then this is also for you.

• You will receive a simple, but delicious nutrition plan to follow suitable for seasoned and beginner cooks.
• There are plans available for vegan and vegetarians too.
• You can choose either a full food route or Herbalife/food route, your choice.
Click on the Herbalife link below for further information about Herbalife Nutrition

• You will be added to a private community on Facebook, for support and accountability.
• I can be messaged at any time for advice or to answer questions.
To track your progress, you will submit weekly photos privately to me. (No one else will see these, unless I have your express permission.)
What can you expect to get from this Six Week Plan?
Menopause weight gain?
Middle aged spread?
Backed by science this effective plan will help you burn that stubborn belly fat whilst helping you feel fitter, gain more energy and sleep better.
Supported by my proven nutrition plan, with delicious and easy to follow recipes to follow, there is no more second guessing about what to eat or running out of ideas for nutritionally balanced meals!
Receive unrivalled support every step along the way towards your goals on this proven and effective plan.
Your new body is just a click away!



Strength & Stamina
A Walking Plan incorporating three different types of walking exercise, which gradually builds up the the proven,
belly busting total of 150-210 minutes a day
A healthier You
Optimise your results by following my proven results, nutrition plan.
Choose from either Full Food or Herbalife & Food, meal plans, with easy to follow recipes.
Never feel confused or run out of ideas for creating balanced meals every day!
Look Good, Feel Good
Accountability and support from myself, as your coach, and from an on-line private Facebook Community.
What can you expect to get from this Sculpt & Shred Plan?
This plan is moving away from the old fashioned skinny-fat look and will be more about creating definition with a focus on strength and curves. You will have flatter abs, more defined shoulders , tighter arms and a peachier booty by the end of it.
My aim is to build muscle whilst also shredding away body fat to create a more sculptured, defined body. You will not look like a body builder! That takes hours each day in the gym! But you will look damn sexy and defined!
It will be tough though. It will combine strength training with cardio and a strict nutrition plan to get these results, but most of all it requires a winning mindset determined to overcome any obstacles that get in your way to achieving your goal. Book now to get started!

You will receive 6 workouts, targeting different muscle groups, with instructional videos that need to be completed daily, with one full rest day each week.
A set of dumbbells or long resistance bands are required (Message me for buying links suggestions)
An additional 30 mins of light cardio needs to be completed 6 days a week
Works well from home or the gym

You will receive a simple, but delicious nutrition plan to follow suitable for seasoned and beginner cooks.
There are plans available for vegan and vegetarians too.
You can choose either a full food route or Herbalife/food route, your choice.
Alternatively, with a given formula I provide, you can track your own macro nutrients using the Premium feature of MyFitnessPal

You will be added to a private community on Facebook, for support and accountability.
I can be messaged at any time for advice or to answer questions.
To track your progress, you will submit weekly photos privately to me. (No one else will see these, unless I have your express permission.)
Book Jan 2022 Challenges at 2021 Early Bird Price!
- Mon, 03 Jan
- Mon, 03 Jan